Camps cannot go ahead without volunteers.
In addition to hiring regular staff each summer, the camp board feels strongly that we need to have a number of teen and adult volunteers.
A CIT (Counsellor-in-Training) is 14-18 years of age, and they will be responsible for a small group of campers and making sure they know their whereabouts at all times. We need several CITs throughout the summer.
We also are committed to having Adult Leaders at each camp. We require 4 – 6 mature persons over the age of 21. The more campers we have, the more leaders we need. This means a minimum of 24 volunteers are required throughout the summer. We trust that we will have a positive response again this year. Remember, camps will be cancelled if we do not have adequate adult supervision.
If you are able to volunteer, please click HERE to find the Volunteer Registration Form. Your generosity is much appreciated.